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Biomass M/B


Biomass originally means “mass” of “bio,” but today,
it refers to biological resources that are used for energy.
Biomass is renewable organic resource and includes not
only sugar canes, starch, cellulose such as agricultural
products and forest products, but also microorganisms,
whale oil and every living thing. The “White Bio” category
includes plant body, metabolite of microorganism and
seaweed which are byproducts of photosynthesis


Organic matter that was formed through photosynthesis in natural conditions, such as atmosphere, water, land and light. Herbaceous crop, arbor crop, industry crop, agricultural products, industrial byproducts, annual plant which is infinite resources, seaweed, inedible organic waste resources.

  • Herbaceous Crop
  • Arbor Crop
  • Agricultural Products
  • Industrial Byproducts
  • Annual Plant
  • Seaweed
  • Inedible Organic Waste Resources

Natural Cycle of Bio Based Plastics